Tuesday, June 20, 2017

NOBs News: June 24th. CONTACT Game

Still looking to hear from more player, we have some of our US friend coming to the game….Spread the word an confirm TODAY for Saturday.  This is a sanctioned event to if you are not registered, you can play.
Thanks Phil


We have had only one day (Oshawa) of contact this year with our May rain out.  We now have a game coming up against the GITS on Saturday June 24 @11:00 KO.  We are at home, but will be playing on the soccer pitch (GRASS – the field with lights).  The Blues are playing on the main pitch at the 11:00, I don’t think you will get mixed up, we are the good looking ones!  This is a SANCTIONED event, so insurance is in place for all.
We are looking for a timely kick off so we can watch the end of the Blues game, get some refreshment, then head off to the Hamilton for the International match – What a Day.  

So who is in????  I have heard from a few, but a few does not make a team.  I hope to see some Bertie’s, maybe some Hamilton players….how about some Centaur Alumni? 
Let’s have a good showing.

Please confirm your availability, and make it a great day of rugby!
Just respond to this email, that is all you need to do, other than show up.


1 comment:

  1. I plan to be there with my kit, ready to ruck n' maul!
