Sunday, June 30, 2013

Re: Touch on Sunday

Folks, there is touch today in Burlington at 1pm
----- Original Message -----
From: "Eric Seppala" <>
Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2013 7:47 PM
Subject: Touch on Sunday

> Hi Craig
> Is there touch tomorrow, the30th?
> Eric

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Fw: Jan

Ladies and gentlemen.  I have been away for a few days and not checked my emails.  I do apologize and will get back to all of you.  I did want to make sure I answered one.
It was with great sadness that I read of the passing on Jan Truman, wife of John, long time Nob, Centaur and friend.  Our thoughts and prayers are with you John and your son Ryan.
John has asked me to pass on the information on Jans visitation on Friday and her funeral on Saturday.  The link to Smith's Funeral Home is below.

 SUNDAY   AUGUST   11th  is our NOBs golf day for 2013.   Details attached.


  Please confim to me or other Exec member



  Cheers      Jack  Morrison

FW: Forward

On behalf of Granny & Grandad Noble. Our congrats and Best Wishes go to
the Noble & Leek families.

-----Original Message-----
From: John Noble []
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2013 9:16 AM
Subject: Forward

Hi guys

I cannot send group emails for my Ipad and Craig seems to be temporarily
unavailable, so would it be possible for you to forward the following to the
Nobs general email list? Thanks In advance.

Ali and Jason have welcomed a little girl into their family. Gwenyth Leek
was born Tuesday, June 25 (fashionably late!) weighing in at 8 pounds, 8
ounces. All are doing well. Thanks to everyone for their best wishes over
the past few months.

Cheers, John and Bev

Sent from my iPad

Monday, June 24, 2013

FW: Sad News.........



From: GAIL PAUL []
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2013 3:01 PM
To: Cunninghams; Cye & Maisey; Dave Atcherley; Eve & Jeff Coles;; Ian Dale; Jack Morrison; John & Kathleen Reid; Keith Bryan;;; Ray & Mary Williams; Redman; Rolf Thomas
Subject: Sad News.........


Jan Truman passed away this morning.





At the end of yesterday’s game, the troops all gathered to hear Pablo’s heart wrenching fare well speech.  There wasn’t a dry eye to be found.  So.. if the above photo doesn’t scare you, come out this Thursday and see him in the flesh!  After letting us know that this may be the last time we see him for a long time, we gave him a rousing, three cheers!!


From: Charles Schandl



As you all know our friend Pablo has been here for a brief visit before returning to the life of glamour, beaches, topless bathing and pina colada's only found in Red Deer, Alberta. 


His final departure is this weekend and we are planning to send him off in style with a get together at the Burlington Club this Thursday (June 27) immediately after touch, about 8:00 p.m. So come on out for touch/training and then enjoy tales of wine, women, song and tunnelling as we say adieu to our friend and long time NOB and Centaur.

Friday, June 21, 2013

FW:NOBS WORLD JUNE 21 2013 June 22nd Celebrating Eric Andrae's 50th

Good afternoon to everyone in the NOBS World on this beautiful first day of summer and a big shout out to all our readers in New Zealand who are experiencing heavy winds and snow on this first day of winter! 


  Don't forget the game on Sunday with the GITS.  Carpooling is from Burlington at 11:30 pm.  Touch is on at 1pm.


This Saturday, long time NOB and Centaur is celebrating his 50th birthday.  Why not join him at the Centaurs home game this Saturday at 3pm.  Happy birthday Eric, all the best.


See you in Toronto, Da Thug



From: Ann Lavallee []
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2013 9:52 PM


Hi Craig,

Can this be sent to all NOBS by any chance?

This Saturday Eric will be going to the 1st Burlington Centaurs game at 3pm to celebrate his 50th. 

Thanks so much,


Please see below:

The other reason to come down to Sherwood is to help celebrate long-time Centaur Eric Andrae's birthday. Yes, the all-night hombre turns 50. There isn't a surprise party as Eric will be at the park ......although the real surprise here is that we all thought he'd turned 50 a while ago!!! So come down, watch the Centaurs and wish Eric many happy returns. 

Thursday, June 20, 2013


Folks, Neil Alexander, past winner of the Pablo Malacara, NOB of the year award is leaving these parts for bigger and better things, and he has made a generous offer of gym equipment, which he no longer uses, due to his 4 x separated shoulder [the 4th which won him his order of the PMN], all you have to do is pick it up before next Monday.  Neil can be reached at   Da Thug


From: Neil Alexander []
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2013 8:23 AM


HI Craig,


Sorry I have not been in contact for a has been a bit of a roller coaster!


We have finally sold our Oakville house and I have a very substantial piece of gym equipment in the garage which will be no good to me in the future .  It is a steel four station machine with two sets of weights and includes a pec deck and leg weights.


Basically it is free to anyone who can pick it up on or before monday of next week. 


I can help disassemble and load and unload but it would require a truck of some kind to move it.


Would it be appropriate to put a message out to the guys and see if anyone is interested..







Wednesday, June 19, 2013




Good afternoon to everyone across the NOBS World, and to all ships at sea.  This Sunday at 1pm; we will be travelling to south-east Toronto to take on the GITS at East York Collegiate.  Ray Hopkin of the GITs has helpfully provided us with instructions to the fixture venue and then the all-important post-game celebration.  We are looking for a good turn out to provide the GITs with some good opposition.   We will be car-pooling form Sherwood Forest at 11:30 am sharp!  Another opportunity to play with the Prairie Storm; Pablo, who is here for a limited engagement!   There is no game over the Canada weekend, but on July 7th; the GITS return to Sherwood Forest Park, in Burlington for the 2nd leg of our home and away series. 


There may be no game on the long weekend, but there will be touch in Burlington at 1pm on Sunday June 30th and touch is also on this Sunday.  Come on out and don’t let our Jimmy down. 


See you on the pitch, Da Thug


From: Ray



Wednesday, June 12, 2013



The opening kickoff is over and the action gets underway last Sunday as we travelled to Hamilton, to play the Silverbacks.  Thank you to the Silverbacks and the Hamilton Hornets for your hospitality, and welcome to the Oldboy's rugby fraternity.  If you have ever been inside the Hornets clubhouse you have no doubt seen the photos on the wall covering the history of this long established club. While checking out the pictures, we stumbled across a photo of a legendary Hornet, founding Centaurs member and longtime NOB.

Front row, second from the right.


Lots to talk about, so let's go.  We have no scheduled game this weekend , but we are invited to join in with the GITS at Sunnybrook, Sunday at 1pm as they take on the Toronto Scottish, "Old Blue" as the Scottish celebrate their 60th anniversary.  There is more information on this event from GITS, Ray Hopkin and Simon Lewis, at the bottom of this email.  A friendly invitation, from our friendly foe!


There is touch being run in Burlington Sunday; as always, at 1pm. 


Tonight the Centaurs are hosting, ITC Catterick RUF at 7pm.


Friday there is a Rugby Canada, youth clinic in Burlington starting at 5:30.  Members of our national team will be on hand to instruct the kids and sign autographs.  Immediately following this, Ontario Blues U19's will take on Quebec U19's.  There will be plenty of food and drink available for spectators and fans.


Saturday, the Centaurs Sr. men will host Buffalo University at 2pm


An invitation has come to us from Markham to come join in a game Saturday, as they host the Krocks at 1pm in a pre-international game warm-up.  Kickoff is at 1pm, food and drink to follow.


All right… something for everyone.  Oh yes before the Sunday game at Sunnybrook, there is a Mini's, Toronto Father's Day Tournament.   That's it rugby fans; a busy weekend ahead. 


Below is our GITs invitation.  See you somewhere, Da Thug


As an added incentive, there will be BBQ and "hospitality" available at the pavilion from 11am - 4pm, just to help round out the festive atmosphere.  Come enjoy the day!  (bring cash).

-Jason Lewis
((M) 647-967-8657

This Sunday, at 1pm, Sunnybrook Park, following a mini's tournament, we face the full force of the Scottish Old Blue, celebrating their 60th Anniversary. Let's get everyone out, so we have enough subs.



Thanks, Ray Hopkin.


"Your life is your message. Leadership by example is not only the most persuasive but also the most enduring form of leadership" - Ghandi

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Good afternoon rugby fans across the NOBS World.  I have some news from the Centaurs that may interest you.  Tomorrow, June 12th the Centaurs are hosting ITC Catterick RUF, a touring British infantry club, which plays in the UK Army Rugby Union.  Kickoff is at 7pm; at Burlington’s Sherwood Forest Park. 


  This Saturday, June 15th; the day of the Canada / Ireland International, the Centaurs are hosting Buffalo University for a fixture at 2pm. 


Game review of last Sunday in Hamilton, Father’s Day at Sunnybrook and a bit of a word on our Sundays touch, all tomorrow in your NOBS World. 


See you tomorrow, Da Thug



Friday, June 7, 2013




There will be a night of Poker and Laughs Sat night at the club 7pm.

Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network





Ladies and gentlemen, just another reminder of the game this Sunday in Hamilton, against the Hamilton Silverbacks.   The game is at the Mohawk Sports Park; instructions to get there can be found on the Hamilton Hornets web site.  Sunday's weather should be the best of the weekend and this is a nice short road trip, easily assessable  from the QEW using the Red Hill Expressway and the Linc.  Touch is also on in Burlington.  See you in Hamilton,  Da Thug


Thursday, June 6, 2013




Good afternoon rugby fans all across the NOBS World.  This Sunday we are in Hamilton for a 1pm kickoff, at the home of the Hamilton Hornets in the Mohawk Sports Park at 699 Upper Kenilworth.  Google the Hamilton Hornets for instructions to the clubhouse.  Touch will be on in Burlington at 1pm.  Speaking of touch, there were a number of sad faces, last Sunday, with the poor turnout and no touch being ran.  Fortunately; beer cures everything!


  We are missing 4 green jerseys from last Sunday.  Please check to see if you may have inadvertently taken one.  Please return if you do, and no questions will be asked.


  In the next few days we will posting an updated fixtures list.  For now please note;  we will be playing the GITS, in Toronto on June 23rd.  We will advise you on the venue in the next few days.  Next Sunday we are invited to join the Gits in Sunnybrook Park, for a clash against the Toronto Scottish.  This a big day of rugby, with the game following a junior tournament.  There will be a barbeque and beer tent on site.  The GITS are encouraging all NOBS to come out and join in. 


   Like I said, there is going to be an updated fixtures list, with soccer dates [2], a visit to Lockport, with a possible overnight stay and the GITs now coming to Burlington on July 7th


See you out for touch tonight and in Hamilton Sunday, Da Thug


P.S. The above photo is the action just getting underway against Cobourg last Sunday.  First time for us playing them and they were a great bunch of guys and a great game.  Why wouldn't it be?  Their rugby players!