Tuesday, February 21, 2017

NOBS News: Cru Fundraiser

All:  Please see the attached information in a fundraiser being held by the Cru.  See the attached note.


I wonder if I can ask you to circulate information regarding forthcoming fundraiser at Cru rugby club to help offset costs of private surgery in the UK for my son Andrew who recently had a double sports hernia surgery that's enabling him to continue playing and importantly be available for the upcoming season both for his club and for Ontario Blues. The surgery would've taken over a year to be completed in Canada I will send you the poster for the evening which is a comedy night and should be a lot of fun for everyone!

Thanks for your help with this

Peter Wilson


Tuesday, February 14, 2017

NOBS News: AGM Outcome

Three items – AGM, Touch Update, Ft. Lauderdale

This past Sunday was the event the year…AGM!  There was reports from the current Executive followed by discussion.  I won’t get into the details, but some of the highlights include:
  • Financial sound (Rolf’s magic!)
  • Continue to improve communication
  • Look at different types of social events
  • Consider some touch tournament days on Sundays
  • Recruitment of contact players, and a better way to communicate availability
  • Etc…
All good ideas and a good number of folks willing to help out – All very good to hear, the challenge is to get some of these things done.

The election part was damn efficient…thanks to David’s one vote for all positions.  Now that is election reform!

President/Secretary – Phil Gray
VP – David Tait
Treasurer – Rolf Thomas
Social – Derek Wiggins
Fixtures – Tim Ellis
Members at Large 
- Ravi
- Dermot
- Gary 

Touch Update:
Touch continues at Burloak Sports Centre.  Please remit your $80 to Rolf for the 8-week session.  In April, we can get back into the Sherwood Domes for 4-weeks.  We are looking at this as an option.

Ft. Lauderdale:
Tim Ellis has pulled together a formidable side for the annual trip south with ~23 to 26 players.  Should be a great time.  

Thursday, February 9, 2017

NOBS - Feb 12 AGM Agenda

This Sunday Feb 12 is the NOBs AGM.  It starts at 3:00 (after touch).  Please see the agenda below.   Thanks

NOB AGM - Agenda
Start 3:00 
1. Annual Reports  (30 min)
     - President/VP  (DT)
     - Fixtures  (TE)
     - Secretary  (PG)
     - Social  (MH)
     - Financial  (RT)

2. Questions/Comments/Discussion (15 min)

3. Election (15 min) 
  - Financial
  - Social
  - Secretary
  - Fixtures
  - VP
  - President
  - Members at large

4. Adjourn

FW: THIS Saturday - Casino Royale Theme Night at the Rugby Club



From: Nick Manz (TCI) [mailto:Nick_Manz@toyota.ca]
Sent: Tuesday, February 7, 2017 12:54 PM
To: stu@stuartriley.ca; daryl.tharby@monsterenergy.com; mdaniels.logic@gmail.com; tomjenkins57@hotmail.com; Davy Jones (rugbyguy9@hotmail.com) <rugbyguy9@hotmail.com>; Ian Macinnis <Ian.MacInnis@victaulic.com>; ', Tim Morton (tim.morton9@gmail.com)' <tim.morton9@gmail.com>; Dion Nye <d.nye12@hotmail.com>; 'Dave Tait' <dstait@me.com>; Philip Gray <philip.gray@xcg.com>
Subject: THIS Saturday - Casino Royale Theme Night at the Rugby Club




Spread the word regarding the upcoming Casino Royale Theme Night at the Rugby Club THIS Saturday.

Doors open at 7:00 pm.





Basic Rules:

$25 buy-in includes bounty chop and deep stack chips 10k.

Blinds start $25-$50 and go up every 20 minutes.

Buy-in allow do the first 3 bumps ( at this point chips will coloured up).


This is an all on tournament. All tables will have equal amount of players. (Players may be asked to move tables to ensure equal players are at tables).


Cards must be cut with plastic cut card. Mis- deal occurs if 1st or 2nd card is exposed during the deal.


If 3rd player or later card is exposed that becomes the burn card and they will be dealt their card in at the end. Betting if raise is not announced then what ever amount this put in is just a call.


If raise is announced the amount must be stated. (No string bets allowed) there will a best hand cheat sheet for players learning the game.

Any question / ruling will be answered by Robs rules and enforced by the tournament director.


Note: I have 4 tables or 32 seats available. Final table will be the last 8 players. At the final table I will deal the cards.


We will also have a BlackJack Table with dealer and other games & PRIZES!


Prizes for best Theme Costume (James Bond / Casino Theme).



Nick Manz

Club President

Burlington Centaurs RFC

“Friends through Rugby

Friends through Life”




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Ce courriel (incluant toutes pièces jointes) est confidentiel et peut être assujetti au privilège du secret professionnel. Si vous n’êtes pas le destinataire visé, nous vous avisons par la présente qu’il est interdit d’effectuer toute utilisation, toute distribution ou toute copie de ce courriel. Si vous avez reçu ce courriel par erreur, veuillez aviser immédiatement le soussigné et supprimer ce courriel de façon permanente. Les opinions exprimées dans ce courriel sont celles de l’auteur et non de Toyota. Veuillez vérifier la présence de virus dans ce courriel. Toyota n’accepte aucune responsabilité pour des problèmes causés par les virus informatiques, peu importe la source.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

NOBS News: Touch and AGM

Just a reminder for those doing Wednesday night touch about the $80 fee for 8-weeks.  A minimum of $40 would be accepted to keep you in good standing.  All $$ goes to Rolf.

As well, On Sunday Feb 12 is the annual AGM happening after touch.  Start time is 3:00, and the goal is to be complete by 4:00.  There will be reports from the Executive, some discussion and then elections. 


Wednesday, February 1, 2017

NOBS News: Touch and AGM

Touch will continue at the Burloak Sports Centre (8:30 to 9:30).  We have secured 8 more weeks. At this time the fee will be $80.00 for the full session.  We ask that you pay a minimum of $40.00 to start, but would prefer the full amount up front.  Any extra will be invested in additional nights if we can not get outdoors in April.  All money is to go to Rolf.
The Executive met last Sunday and the AGM has been set for Sunday February 12 after touch (2:30).  We will be sending around an agenda in advance.    There will be a sign up sheet at the club for those interested to be on the executive.  We encourage participation. We also welcome feedback (good, bad, and ugly) on how things could work better on and off the field. 

NOBS News: IMPORTANT - Ft. Lauderdale bound


A couple of things for Ft. Lauderdale,

1.      Hotel - I have asked them to extend the booking time and they have until Friday Feb. 3rd. After that booking will be subject to availability and the hotel has informed me that they are filling up. If you have not reserved, please do so immediately.

"I hope this email finds you well. I have placed a courtesy room block for 10 rooms. Starting from February 23-27, 2017. Individuals may begin calling our reservations department at 954-565-6611 or 800-678-9022 using Group Code: "72227" or Group name: "Niagara Old Boys Rugby Team" to receive the group rate of $199.00 +11% tax, per standard room, single, double occupancy."

2.      Flights - I want to start coordinating ground transportation, please send me directly your flight info via email to timothy.ellis@sympatico.ca or via text to 416-697-3284. 

