Tuesday, June 13, 2017


All, please see the email below.  John has made some arrangements for a game with a round ball!  Last year, this was a missed event, but this year the BOTSC is ready to go.  There will be a second game to follow, but not quite sure on details.

So dust off your skills.  PLEASE RESPOND TO JOHN  johnguilfoyle99@gmail.com so he can confirm numbers.  All welcome.

From: John Guilfoyle <johnguilfoyle99@gmail.com>
Date: Sunday, June 11, 2017 at 8:45 PM
To: Philip Gray <phil.gray@cogeco.ca>
Subject: BOTSC-NOBs Soccer


The Burlington Old Timers Soccer Club want to revive the annual round ball event this year.

Our first game is on June 27th at Field 7 at Sherwood (Over by the baseball fields),

We are looking at a 6:30 meeting for a 7:00 pm kickoff. Food and drinks in our club room.

BOTSC is taking it more seriously this year, that is why the first game is on a soccer field with goal posts, and on a Tuesday, because many of their better players  play on Friday nights.

So let's get a strong team out ...

Contact me directly at johnguilfoyle99@gmail.com with your replies.

John "The Special One" Guilfoyle

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