Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Fwd: Rugby Canada World Cup Qualifier

All, please see the information below from Nick of the Centaurs about the National Team practice at Sherwood and tickets for June 24. 

Also l want to confirm that the NOBs have an 11;00 game on the 24th at Sherwood against the GITS. This will be a sanctioned game so if you have not registered you can play.  Also there will be a Ontario Blues game at 11:00 on the main pitch so our game is on the soccer pitch. 

So mark your calendar.  Also there will be a couple of friendly soccer matches coming up. I will confirm the dates this week. 


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Begin forwarded message:

From: "Nick Manz (TCI)" <>
Date: June 7, 2017 at 2:56:24 PM EDT
To: "''" <>, "''" <>, "" <>, "" <>
Cc: Philip Gray <>, Kassia Orawiec <>, "Sealey-baker, Mamie" <>, "Stephanie Venimore (" <>
Subject: Rugby Canada World Cup Qualifier

Good Afternoon Rugby fans,


The Burlington Centaurs Rugby Club have some exciting news to share with you!


Sherwood Forest Park in the City of Burlington has been recognized as having one of the premier Rugby pitches in the province.


As such Rugby Canada has contacted the Burlington Centaurs to host their training session at Sherwood Forest Park as they prepare for their upcoming World Cup Qualifier Game vs USA Rugby at Tim Horton's Field on Saturday, June 24th.


Rugby Canada will be training in Burlington on Thursday, June 22nd from 9:00-11:00 am. Come out to watch as the men prepare for the big game that Saturday.




(Includes Ontario Blues vs EORU Game at club & Pre-Game Tailgate Party on Barton Street)


The Burlington Centaurs have secured 100 group tickets in Section 106 for the upcoming game at Tim Horton's Field on Saturday, June 24th


Tickets are over 55% sold out – Tickets will be available at the club on Thursday & Saturday.

You can also e-transfer to secure your ticket to


Ticket includes Pre-Game Tailgate on Barton Street hosted by the Unique Restaurant Group including food and beers.

Tailgate starts at 1:00 pm


The Game KO at 3:00 pm.


The Burlington Rugby Clubhouse will be open at 11:00 am for refreshments as we host the Ontario Blues vs Eastern Ontario All-Stars in an exhibition match at Sherwood Forest Park.


We will arrange a bus from the Burlington Rugby Clubhouse to the tailgate. Bus will return to the Clubhouse after the game. (extra minimum charge)





Nick Manz

Club President

Burlington Centaurs RFC



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