Monday, August 29, 2016

NOBS News: Cricket Review

Derek put together a great afternoon of Cricket where the NOBs side were able to out bat the Welsh Choir.  Although there were a few scoring irregularities, there was agreement on the conclusion.  NOBs success came from some great batting by Bob Nye, Chuck, Derek, Ravi and Clarence….the rest of us got to relax and watch the magic. Our bowling, at times was challenging for the Welsh Choir, but good enough to keep the game going.  Chuck did some great bowling along with Yohan, and Kevin was showing off his diving skills as keeper.  Best dressed was Rolf with his finest whites and how he got the creases so crisp on his pants and shirt - who knows! Needless to say the mid–match break of sandwiches and samosas was welcome with a cool beverage.  Thanks to Derek and the Welsh Choir for a fine afternoon.   A few pictures to admire the fine whites.

Our next social event is a pub night on Sept 17th and out next contact game is our 10-a-side on Sept 25.    


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