Monday, October 15, 2018

NOBS NEWS: Chambray Update - CONFIRMED OCT 17

The game is confirmed.  for Wednesday evening (Oct 17) under the lights.   The field is located in Tansley Woods Park (Burlington).  Access to the park is off of Walkers Line just south of Upper Middle Road via Kilmer Drive.  At the end of Kilmer is a parking lot and a baseball field, the pitch is just a bit west if you follow the path.  We have the field from 7:00 to 9:00.  So plan on getting to the park for 6:15 at the latest so we can get going before 7:00.  We will go back to the club house for showers and food.  
I have heard from some, but I expect others to come out of the woodwork.  I would like to have a better idea on numbers (food planning).  My understanding is Chambray have 13, so we will need to lend them a few for a full 15 a side.  So dust off the boots. 
Big ask - Looking for a qualified referee for the game.  If you know a ref or know someone who knows someone that knows a ref - you get the point.  Let me know.  Don't assume someone else is taking care of it because they are not, hence the ask.  Get the word out for a ref and get them to email me ( we pay going rate. 
The other ask - post pads - who has a truck that can get the pads and bring them to the field?  For lines we will need to make do with the low pylons to mark the field, as I doubt there are lines. 
We need your help on ref and/or post pads.  Games just don't happen, they take a little effort.  
PS - Regarding Oct 20 for Buffalo - at this point we do not have enough committed to make a side (or part of a side).  Unless something changes in the next 24 hours, then it won't happen.  I keep hearing people want games, but hard to arrange games when we can't reliably count on having players.  This is something we need to look at next year.

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