Tuesday, May 29, 2018

NOBS NEWS: Chambray Game Report

Well it was a warm night, but by game time it had cooled off enough to have a good 12 vs 12 game.  This left more room for some good ball movement and runs by the backs aided by Ryan, "G" and Tom H.  Tom had a number of good runs from the full back position bobbing and weaving his way down the field.   Our forwards had good ball with the roving Derek, rambling Frank and straight ahead Jason.  Deputing at prop (uncontested) and with the support of Tim was JP.  Rounding out the side was Mike O. as scrum half (player of the game) supported by Brian B as outside centre and myself and Carrie as wings....and the wings got some good ball!  Tackling was remarkably good with a focus on the Chambray's centre who took a bit to bring down.  In the end, a win by the NOBs, but more importantly a good time with the graduating Chambray group back at their mess hall.   We did unfortunately have a one injury with Tom H. hurting his shoulder at the very end of the game, hopefully a quick recovery as we have a June 9 game.  At the beginning of the game we had a moment in memory of Chuck and hoisted a pint afterward in his honour.
Thanks you all for the game it was a good Monday night. 

PS.  Saturday JUNE 9 @1;00 - Nobs/Silverbacks vs the GITS.  Looking for a strong turn out for this game, it is at home against a good side. 

Monday, May 28, 2018

Chambray Game - NO BUS / Sanctioned Game

There was talk last week about organizing a Bus. Just want to be clear that there is no bus, to late to confirm.

Also this is a sanctioned game for those who might not have registered.

Try and be there @ 7:00 so we can get organized.

Thanks Phil

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Chuck's Celebration

A reminder about Wednesday.  I am told that the watering hole will be the Kings Arms in Oakville. So if you cannot make noon, come by afterwards to Celebrate Chuck!

Teresa requests that all NOBS  attend a Celebration of Life for our fallen colleague Chuck Shandl.    Afterwards we will retire to a local watering hole to swap stories,  real or made-up of Chuck's rugby prowess.

The Celebration will take place on Chuck's deck and starts at HIGH NOON,  Wednesday May 30th . 


Chuck's deck can be found at:

2084 Deramore Dr Oakville.

No formal attire, rugby shirts/jerseys only.
Please let Kevin know if you are going for numbers at  bloskak@gmail.com

Sent from my iPad


Just a reminder of the game tomorrow evening KO 7:30 @. Fletcher's. Be there for 7:00 so we can get organized. We will be going back to the Mess Hall afterwards.

Thanks Phil

Fwd: Photos of my Dad (Chuck)

If you have some photos of Chuck please send them to Nicole by email for Wednesday's Celebration.  Thanks

Begin forwarded message:

From: Kevin Bloska <bloskak@gmail.com>
Date: May 27, 2018 at 8:31:17 AM EDT
To: 'Philip Gray' <phil.gray@cogeco.ca>
Subject: FW: Photos of my Dad



Please forward


From: Nicole Schandl <nm.schandl@gmail.com>
Sent: May 26, 2018 10:07 AM
To: bloskak@gmail.com
Subject: Photos of my Dad


Hi Kevin,


I am putting together some photos to display at my dad's celebration of life on Wednesday. I am hoping you can help me to reach out to the rugby community to see if anyone has any photos of my dad they'd like to contribute. If they do, please have them forward the photos to my email.


I appreciate it!


Friday, May 25, 2018

Chuck's Celebration!

Teresa requests that all NOBS  attend a Celebration of Life for our fallen colleague Chuck Shandl.    Afterwards we will retire to a local watering hole to swap stories,  real or made-up of Chuck's rugby prowess.

The Celebration will take place on Chuck's deck and starts at HIGH NOON,  Wednesday May 30th . 


Chuck's deck can be found at:

2084 Deramore Dr Oakville.

No formal attire, rugby shirts/jerseys only.
Please let Kevin know if you are going for numbers at  bloskak@gmail.com

Thursday, May 24, 2018

NOBS News: Chambray Game MONDAY MAY 28 - Confirmed at Fletchers

We have just confirmed a game with the Chambray on Monday May 28th at Fletchers 7:30 KO.  After the game we will go back to the Armour Heights Officers Mess at Yonge Blvd and Wilson Ave.  They will have food and beer ready. 

I know this is a last minute confirmation for the game, so I need to know your commitment ASAP so we know we have the numbers.  

Chambray will likely only be able to field 15, so we might be looking to help them out. 

On a final note - Chuck told me numerous times this was one of his favourite fixtures of the year, especially when Chambray hosted.   




I am very sorry to inform everyone that Chuck passed away Wednesday afternoon after a battle with cancer.  The NOBs membership have been outstanding in spending time with Chuck, especially over the past 6-months as his condition deteriorated and supporting Teresa through the ups and downs.   At this time, I have no additional information on arrangements.  I know there will be glasses raised to Chuck over the coming days. Cheers.  


Wednesday, May 23, 2018

NOBS NEWs: Saturday All-Comers Game

This Saturday there is a All-Comers Game (unscheduled) being hosted by the GITS at 3:00 at East York Collegiate.  Seems there was a scheduling mix up with another team.  GITS will have good numbers and they wanted to open it up it others as they have a field and referee!

Let me know if you are going so I can give Ray the heads up on bodies.  If yo just want to show up...you can do that to.

PS  Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday touch outside 

Fwd: ALS walk for Craig Morley

Please see the attached note from Tracy Morley reporting back on the ALS walk.  Thanks to all.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Fwd: Canada Selects v Arrows May 18

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Mark Winokur <arcbluesmgr@gmail.com>
Date: May 11, 2018 at 2:01:27 PM EDT
To: "Winokur Mark (mark@fightnetwork.com)" <mwinokur@anthemse.com>
Cc: Bill Webb <williamwebb88@gmail.com>
Subject: Canada Selects v Arrows May 18

Sorry if I missed you last Saturday at the Arrows win over Boston, we were just blown away by the fantastic support from the fans and it was amazing to finally play at home!


Hope to see you at the next one, as it's a cracker-Canada Selects @ Arrows, York Lions Stadium (the new one just built for the Pan Ams). 7 pm next Friday night.  To say that the intensity is building would be an understatement….places in the national team firmly on the line!


Tickets on line for $15 at www.ontarioarrowsrugby.com, or $20 at the gate on the day (suspect these may be scarce).  U16 get in free.  Concessions aplenty…see you there!



Monday, May 7, 2018

NOBS NEWS: Touch Schedule

Summer touch is happening every Tuesday and Thursday starting at 7:00. We play at the soccer pitch on your right as you enter the parking lot driveway.

Our first contact game has been confirmed for Saturday June 9 @ 1:00 at Sherwood Park (home). We are working with the Silverbacks (Hamilton) to take on the GITS. This game will be sanctioned.

Tentatively, we have a game against Chambray on Monday May 28, but still to be confirmed.

Remember to remit annual fees to Rolf. $150. The fields do not pay for themselves! Social is $65.

As many of you know Chuck is at the Oakville/Trafalgar hospital. Kevin has been coordinating times for visiting each day. Please contact Kevin for more information (bloskak@gmail.com).


Friday, May 4, 2018

Fwd: Crusaders 50th Anniversary celebrations

Please see below. 

Begin forwarded message:

From: Jim and Carolyn Anderson <jim_car_anderson@hotmail.com>
Date: May 4, 2018 at 5:53:48 PM EDT
To: Philip Gray <phil.gray@cogeco.ca>
Subject: Fwd: Crusaders 50th Anniversary celebrations

Hi Phil, can you circulate attached to your contact list just in case there's somebody out there who isn't in the loop.
Many thanks,

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Tab®4

-------- Original message --------
From: si fi <simfitz33@gmail.com>
Date:04-05-2018 11:11 AM (GMT-05:00)
To: frank.schimpl@gmail.com, gcoldwells@paloaltonetworks.com, geoffbowman65@gmail.com, Graham.Bridges@pwc.ca, harrycheung1@gmail.com, imiddleton@ashbury.ca, jlpetitjean@hotmail.com, jeffery.feeney@rbc.com, jim_car_anderson@hotmail.com, jleasson@gmail.com, keith.ekron@gmail.com, kurt_pitblado@hotmail.com, les.taylor969@gmail.com, mfleet@bellnet.ca, Mark.Jutronich@inergi.ca, arcbluesmgr@gmail.com, nicholas.noblewillock@gmail.com, n_dacre@hotmail.com, jomeara@imagengreen.com, oliver@platinumpainters.com, psychochicken9@hotmail.com, Peter.Kijak@gmail.com, ekin2be@hotmail.com, ray.carby@gmail.com, rikki@canpartner.ca, Rod.Otero70@gmail.com, kokandferg@rogers.com, rpgamm@gmail.com, sc@kuvu.ca, Stephen.Gittens@cibc.com, stevietenbears@hotmail.com
Subject: Crusaders 50th Anniversary celebrations


Tickets are now on sale for the Crusaders 50th anniversary events. Tickets to the event are expected to sell out quickly. The best way to purchase is to go to the following link 



Thursday, May 3, 2018

Size 13 boots

See below. Anyone got a pair of size 13 for Glen?

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Stuart Riley <stu@stuartriley.ca>
Date: May 3, 2018 at 5:41:52 PM EDT
To: Philip Gray <phil.gray@cogeco.ca>
Cc: "general@nobsrfc.com Nobs" <general@nobsrfc.com>
Subject: Re: Employment

Hi Phil

Would any one have a pair of 13 boots or bigger to lend Glen for touch tonight?

Cheers Stuart

On Thu, May 3, 2018 at 10:43 AM, Philip Gray <phil.gray@cogeco.ca> wrote:
Please see below, maybe you know someone looking for a job. Please do not respond to me. Phil

Begin forwarded message:

From: Andrew Gaydon <agaydon4@gmail.com>
Date: May 3, 2018 at 10:21:15 AM EDT
To: PHILIP GRAY <phil.gray@cogeco.ca>
Subject: Employment

Hello Phil…perhaps you could send this out ….maybe to Burlington club as well …..might help somebody looking for a job for the Summer …..many thanks .



My old Company Vanden Bussche Irrigation (a very good quality employer) is looking for 2 smart employees to help at their Milton location . One position is a permanent placement the other a full season (ideal for a U student) .

Great opportunity to learn all about irrigation .


Please let me know by email if you are aware of any person interested .







Fwd: Employment

Please see below, maybe you know someone looking for a job. Please do not respond to me. Phil

Begin forwarded message:

From: Andrew Gaydon <agaydon4@gmail.com>
Date: May 3, 2018 at 10:21:15 AM EDT
To: PHILIP GRAY <phil.gray@cogeco.ca>
Subject: Employment

Hello Phil…perhaps you could send this out ….maybe to Burlington club as well …..might help somebody looking for a job for the Summer …..many thanks .



My old Company Vanden Bussche Irrigation (a very good quality employer) is looking for 2 smart employees to help at their Milton location . One position is a permanent placement the other a full season (ideal for a U student) .

Great opportunity to learn all about irrigation .


Please let me know by email if you are aware of any person interested .







Wednesday, May 2, 2018

NOBS NEWS: touch and Saturday

Just want to let everyone know that in the end the Oshawa tournament was cancelled, the Oshawa field was not ready for the "weight" of Master Players! If something comes up as an alternative, I will let you know. Don't forget about the ARROWS game Saturday afternoon up at York.

Touch outside tomorrow starting at 7:00. Regular Sunday touch. See you around!

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Fwd: Chuck Visit - week of April 30 -May 6

Please see below. Look below to see a schedule for visiting Chuck

Begin forwarded message:

From: Kevin Bloska <bloskak@gmail.com>
Date: May 1, 2018 at 5:24:39 PM EDT
To: PHILIP GRAY <phil.gray@cogeco.ca>
Subject: Re: Chuck Visit - week of April 30 -May 6

On Tue, May 1, 2018, 3:17 PM Eric Andrae <eric@theandraes.com> wrote:
Sneaking Chuck out to the Stout monk 12 to 1:30 tomorrow. Pass it on. Jock coordinator taxi for Chuck. 


On May 1, 2018, at 8:15 AM, Kevin Bloska <bloskak@gmail.com> wrote:



Great see you for the handover.




From: Eric Andrae <eric@theandraes.com>
Sent: May 1, 2018 8:05 AM
To: Kevin Bloska <bloskak@gmail.com>
Cc: Dermot Fogarty <derm.fogarty@gmail.com>; Andrew Gaydon <agaydon4@gmail.com>; Michael Jefferies <jefferiesm95@gmail.com>; Stuart Riley <stuart@stuartriley.ca>; Stuart Riley <stu@brsconstruction.com>; Michael Howes <michael@2waconsulting.com>; David Tait <dstait@me.com>
Subject: Re: Chuck Visit - week of April 30 -May 6


I can do noon today. 



On May 1, 2018, at 7:30 AM, Kevin Bloska <bloskak@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Gents,

Thanks for your replies.  I have put a schedule together and as you can see we are a little short.  If you can provide extra coverage please let me know



10 – Kevin

11 - No-one

12 - No-one



10 - No-one

11 - No-one

12 – Jock/Glen



10 – Dave Tait

11- Dermot

12- Kevin



10 – Dave

11 – Mike

12 – Dermot



10 - No-one

11 - No-one

12 - No-one



10 - No-one

11 - No-one

12 - No-one



From: Dermot Fogarty <derm.fogarty@gmail.com>
Sent: April 30, 2018 8:47 AM
To: Kevin Bloska <bloskak@gmail.com>
Cc: Andrew Gaydon <agaydon4@gmail.com>; Michael Jefferies <jefferiesm95@gmail.com>; Stuart Riley <stuart@stuartriley.ca>; Stuart Riley <stu@brsconstruction.com>; Michael Howes <michael@2waconsulting.com>; David Tait <dstait@me.com>; Eric Andrae <eric@theandraes.com>
Subject: Re: Chuck Visit - week of April 30 -May 6


I'm available Thursday and Friday this week- anytime.



On Mon, Apr 30, 2018 at 7:30 AM, Kevin Bloska <bloskak@gmail.com> wrote:

HI Guys,
Looks like Nick has deserted for some R&R.  The NOBS try and cover the hours 10am-1pm.  This gives Teresa time to try and keep her business going.
Can you please provide you availability and I will send out daily updates.
