Friday, January 9, 2015


Good evening to everyone across the NOBS World. Lots to talk about, but just a reminder about touch this Sunday in Burlington at 1pm. Yes I know it's cold out, but the pitch is clear and no better time to get out and shake off the holiday blooze.

Okay here we go. THIS IS IMPORTANT NEWS, THUS THE UPPER CASE. This coming Friday, January 16th, a week from today it is the NOBS Awards Night. To all NOBS players, this is your night. Come out and make your teammates night miserable. Tickets are now on sale from any NOBS executive. Can giving money to Kevin be more fun?

Cost is $30. A night to spend with your mates. Who else understands you? Tickets will be on sale this Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday. A good time to be had by all.

The NOBS AGM is quickly approaching. Sunday January 25th. A nomination board is soon to be posted in the Centaurs clubhouse. This is to be a very important meeting as we are going to be experiencing a change of the guard. All positions are open. We have a number of returning members, but we need your help. Get yourself nominated and let's go! Ask not what your team can do for you, ask what you you can do for your team. I can't express the importance of our players stepping up. We are a rugby club and the strength of it is our team.

The end of the sermon.

A couple of things, but less pressing. Mr. Tim Ellis reminds me that things are quickly are shaping up for Ft. Lauderdale. We have a champion ship to defend and this is only 6 weeks away. If you haven't been to Florida with the NOBS, you just haven't been. Let Tim know!!

The Dome. You have probably noticed that we have not had a Dome league put together as of yet. The executive has had a chance to look at this and we have decided that we will not have a team event until the end of the season. Things are going well and we would like to try something different. Stay tuned.

That's it!! See you on the pitch Sunday, Da Thug

Sent from my iPad

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