Big weekend coming up in the NOBS World, but first a little business. Today we say goodbye to our team mate and friend; Andrew Jackson. This afternoon, Andrew and his family will be on a plane, moving back to England. We will miss Andrew as part of the team; but will especially miss him and his son Evan at our Sunday touch run around over the winter. All the best and keep in touch

We have a very important announcement to make. Pope John Noble is stepping down as president of the club. John has been a long time member and devoted a lot of his time, to make this club better. Now before you think this is the last you’ll see of him; your mistaken. John is going to be looking into ways to improve the whole old boys scene, while at the same time looking to spreading the word of an old boys code of conduct. He’s like a bad smell, that won’t go away!! Just kidding John. Thanks for all of your help John, it has been much appreciated.
Now it’s time for the other shoe to drop.
We would like to welcome, as the new NOBS interim president; Kevin Bloska. Deep breaths Mel! As our vice-president, Kevin has agreed to become the president, until the next AGM. A picture is worth a thousand words.
Tomorrow night it’s the second leg of the of soccer derby with the BOTSC. If you haven’t let John know you’re playing, you better hurry.

This Sunday at 12:20pm, they will be gathering at the Sherwood Forest Oval for the NOBS annual cricket match. Wear your whites, and bring along some sandwiches. See you on the village green.
That’s it, but don’t forget golf on the 24th. See you, Da Thug
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