Sunday, September 30, 2018

NOBS NEWS: Update, Dome, Contact, Social

I have a been a little remise in communicating the latest and greatest, been a busy few weeks!.

A quick recap on the GITS game two weeks ago.  The GITS were ready to play and took it to us.  Although we were on the losing end (in a big way) it was a good game where both sides enjoyed the game and with good plying time.  It was hot so we called it a bit short of full time to retire to the bar.   This game represented the first one where the “THUG” trophy was awarded to the winning site.  Ray (GITS) wanted to honour the contribution of our Craig Morley (The THUG) for his contribution in getting the GITS up and going and his longterm involvement with the NOBs.  The THUG will be awarded to the winning team every time the GITS and NOBs face off.  The Trophy is proudly displayed in the cabinet at the clubhouse.  This is what the game is all about!

TOUCH Update – Giving the changing light we are going for a 6:00 start for the next couple of weeks.  On Thursday’s we will be on the main pitch.  

DOME TOUCH – We have not been successful getting suitable DOME times.  I won’t get into the details as it will not change the outcome.  Nick Parks has been busy organizing DOME time for the 4:00 to 5:00 slot for both Tuesday and Thursday.  I know this does not work so well for the working class.  It is possible for “drop-ins” to participate if you find yourself around the house in the afternoon and a few bucks in your pocket.  The Tues and Thurs. sessions ( 4.00 - 5.00 ) start on October 16th in DOME 2 and Oct 18th in DOME 2, respectively.  Nick is collecting $$ now.  We continue to look at other options to get everyone out at one time.  Sunday @1:00 continues outside.

CONACT Games – 
I have been asked about the Chambray game and Tim is still trying to get a good date that works with getting the field.  I am hoping next week we will be able to settle on a date.  It will be a mid week game, 

Saturday Oct 20th @11:00 Buffalo – We have a game scheduled in Buffalo.  We have had some of there players come and support the NOBs, so it is time we join them for a game.  The game is scheduled for 11:00 because they have a slate of games afterwards.   For this to happen we need committed players. So the drum beating begins.  So who is in??  I need names so we can get a roster together.  Non-NOBs are more than welcome to join the adventure.    

Friday November 30 – Year End Social.  We have booked a venue for a year-end/christmas social at the Atrium at the Burlington Conference centre (Burloak).  This is a dress up affair so an opportunity to look better than we usually do!  More to come.  


Saturday, September 22, 2018

Fwd: IMG_9063.PNG

Forwarding this for Phil. Please see Stuarts email below about Crusader dinner and tribute to Bob Nye. It's a secret and Bob has been removed from this email list temporarily.


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Philip Gray <>
Date: Thu, Sep 20, 2018 at 4:37 PM
Subject: Fwd: IMG_9063.PNG

From: Stuart Riley <>
Date: September 20, 2018 at 8:00:37 AM EDT
To: Philip Gray <>, "Best Wife Ever." <>
Subject: IMG_9063.PNG

Hi Phil

Please do not put Bob on the email list

Please could you put this out to the NOBs, this is the Cru dinner, at the Cru date and time below.
Please let Romy know for numbers,
By email

This is a tribute to Bob, for all the years of great work through Rugby.

Great night great laughs

Regards Stuart

Sent from my iPhone

Monday, September 17, 2018

NOBS NEWS: Golf this Friday

Nick has been pulling together the golf outing this year with assistance from others. He will be sending out specifics this week.  But as a general reminder....

CARLISLE. Sep 21st. Shotgun T off @ 12.30pm. Don't be late. Dinner afterwards at the golf course. There are 44 golfers. 

Enjoy swinging your stick at the little white ball!

Friday, September 14, 2018


Late on my part to send out....ARROWS are paying on Sunday...

NOBS NEWS: Sanctioned Game Saturday Sept 15@1:00

Just a reminder of the game tomorrow at 1:00 at Sherwood.  It is a sanctioned game with the GITS who will be there with a full complement of players!
The pitch is soft, the weather looks good, so lets have a good game.

NOBs News: Cristina Flores Appointed to Rugby Americas North

Well, a member of the NOBs is on the world stage.  Cristina Flores has been appointed by Rugby Americas North (RAN) to the Word Rugby Council (formerly IRB). 
So Nick Parks will now be known as Mr. Flores!  It is an exciting appointment given Cristina's background and enthusiasm for rugby in both Mexico and Canada.
I am sure that Cristina is open to our wise guidance based on our many hours of after game talk.  


Rugby Americas North (RAN) announced today the appointment of Cristina Flores Justic as the regional association's second representative to the World Rugby Council. Flores will join RAN representative Dennis Dwyer in November at World Rugby's interim meeting and serve as an ex officio member of RAN's Executive Council.

The selection was made in Miami at the organization's annual meeting.

Carner said that the decision was difficult, but ultimately Flores extensive background in diplomacy, governance, and leadership made her a perfect fit for the role. Fluent in three languages, Flores has been involved with rugby since 1979. She has served on both the boards of Canada and Mexico rugby unions, as well as held the title of Executive Director of the Canadian Council for the Americas, and served with the Mexican Consulate in Toronto and in Montreal as the Consul in charge of Academic, Scientific, Technological and Cultural Cooperation.

"I already know that she will receive the support and feedback of her colleagues as well as contribute in a huge way to RAN's long-term goals," said Carner. "She will help us guide our boat, not only regarding women's rugby issues, but in every other aspect as well."

Upon learning of the appointment, Flores said: "I should like, first of all, to thank Mr. Carner and the Mexican Rugby Federation for nominating me and to very sincerely thank the members of Rugby Americas North board who demonstrated their trust by selecting me to this position.

"Rugby Americas North is a very important member of the six regions of World Rugby, and all of the RAN unions are growing and show incredible potential, for men, women and juniors. I have witnessed rugby's passion, involvement and commitment first hand in Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean as well as the rest of Latin America. I am fully committed to Rugby Americas North, Sudamérica Rugby and World Rugby, without reservation, and I will work tirelessly to grow the sport worldwide. I will also champion the cause for inclusiveness and diversity.

"In a milestone decision the World Council has introduced a progressive change by inviting women to sit on the Board. We, now, have big shoes to fill and I have all the confidence in the world that we will not disappoint. We have proved ourselves on the field and will now add depth and strength in the area of governance."

Flores' appointment was set into motion as a result of World Rugby's 2017 landmark governance reform which included the Women's Plan 2017-25. The reforms have accelerated the pace of women's inclusion in rugby on and off the field of play and furthered gender equality at all levels of the sport. The initiative expanded the number of people who may sit on Council from 32 to 49, with 17 new representatives to be women. Flores marks the twelfth woman to be awarded a vote on World Rugby's highest governing board.

As a leader in global sport, rugby continues to put inclusiveness at the forefront of its strategies, plans and structures. Reaching 35 percent female representation on the council is one of many steps World Rugby has taken to drive the organization forward.

During the upcoming November World Rugby Council meeting, Flores and Dwyer will mark one year since the vote to expand the governing body, and will take their seats amongst a much more diverse and representative council.

Dwyer said: "I am delighted that Cristina joins me as RAN's second representative on the World Rugby Council, said Dwyer. "Cristina's vast experience in the business, diplomatic and sports worlds makes her ideal for the role of Council member for our region at the highest possible level in World Rugby.

"I am very much looking forward to working with her and establishing a dedicated and committed team to represent RAN's member unions in handling all aspects of our wonderful game of rugby at all levels, as well as continuing to build positive and beneficial relationships with World Rugby, our fellow  Regional Associations, and every World Rugby union council member."

Saturday, September 8, 2018

NOBS NEWS: Social, Touch and a Contact Game

Just a reminder that that touch starts at 6;30 on Tuesday and Thursday.  Sunday still @1:00

There is a contact game next Saturday @ 1:00 at Sherwood with the GITS.  This will be a sanctioned event.  I need to know who will be playing so respond if you are – if not I don’t need to know.  Always a good game with the GITS.

Finally on the high-end social note, on Friday November 30 the NOBS will be hosting a end of season Christmas function.  This is a formal affair.  The location has been set at the Atrium (5420 N Service Rd, Burlington, ON L7L 6C7).  MARK YOUR CALENDARS NOW.  It has been some time since a formal affair, so I hope that you can make it with your significant other.  Planning is underway!


Monday, September 3, 2018


With Labour Day behind us and the days getting shorter we will start touch now at 6:30 on Tuesday and Thursday.