Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Fwd: Centaurs Awards Banquet

Please see the attached from Nick M.  

Sent from my iPhone
Philip Gray
XCG Consulting Limited
Office 905-829-8880 ext 4232
Cell 905-301-1390

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Nick Manz (TCI)" <Nick_Manz@toyota.ca>
Date: November 1, 2016 at 8:11:31 PM EDT
To: Philip Gray <philip.gray@xcg.com>, "Rolf Thomas (rolfthomas@live.com)" <rolfthomas@live.com>
Subject: Centaurs Awards Banquet



Could you please send this information out to the NOBS. We would love to have the NOBS represented with a table or two at this year’s Centaurs Awards Banquet. Here are the details:



Centaurs Annual Awards Banquet Tickets are available for purchase over the bar


$50 ($100 per couple) to purchase your banquet tickets.


Our Master of Ceremonies this year will be our own James Raynor.


We want to make this the biggest banquet yet after a big season for the minis, the juniors, the men’s teams, the women’s team, the NOBS and the return of the BERTIES.


The club will be running the bar this year as a method to raise funds for the club.

We need your support….we know how much you all like to have a good time J


Centaurs Annual Awards Banquet

When:             Saturday, November 19th – Cocktails 6:30 pm

Where:            Burlington Lion’s Club – 471 Pearl Street

Cost:                $50 per ticket.




Nick Manz

Director of Administration

Burlington Centaurs RFC

“Friends through Rugby

Friends through Life”




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